Saturday, August 13, 2011

Update 8/13/2011

Hi everyone,

Last night I was advised that I have not been exactly honest about how things are going for Warren.... I am guilty of taking my role as cheerleader too seriously:  "All is well!  All is well!... Rah! Rah! Rah!".  So, o.k., Warren is still working through a great amount of pain.  Just the process of rolling him from his back to his side every three hours to avoid bedsores is a grueling process.  However, he does it faithfully.  He had his first true p/t session this morning and pushed his way through every routine for an hour.  He wants you to know that he had much more strength and movement than he thought he would which made him feel excited about the prospect of the upcoming daily p/t. I guess I am Pollyanna and he is Mr. Optimistic!

Beginning Monday they will have him busy the majority of the day and that will be his new routine for the next few weeks.  He is ready to grit his teeth and get started.  Being paralyzed (I was told I need to deal in reality and use that word....) is not his cup of tea.  So, let's get this show on the road!

Over the course of the past few days there have been some visitors who have stopped in. Warren has enjoyed the connection with the outside world and even those who started out a bit teary-eyed left with a smile on their face.  So, he would like to try to have some more visitors in the coming weeks.  We will see how he does with his new routine starting this week and hopefully he will adjust to all the activity and be able to visit a bit in the evenings.  We'll keep you posted.

Today's visitors included a surprise visit from Uncle Berkeley and Aunt Lori,

as well as one from Mariah & Paul.

To Warren's friends and co-workers who are presently in Columbia he wants you to know that he hopes you are having a wonderful time.  He is sorry that he and Catie are not there with you but he looks forward to seeing "Super Dave's" footage documenting the whole trip.

Everybody have a great weekend.  We will be resting up for the big week ahead!

Henley, Jerry and Warren


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