Monday, August 8, 2011

Hoping to be Home Soon

Hello from Longmont,

I was waiting to see if we would get any definite decisions about moving Warren to Atlanta but we still have not received confirmation from Shepherd.  He is ready to go as far as the doctors here are concerned - YEA!  They removed his chest tube this morning. Actually, Warren had a very big morning.  He got himself out of bed and into a wheelchair.  He and I took a little field trip out to the patio adjacent to ICU.  It wasn't a great distance in yardage but it was a whole new world!  He did incredibly well and as a result of all the hard work he has slept more soundly than we have seen him sleep in eight days.  We are hoping that Wednesday will be the magic day for returning home.  We will keep you all posted.  In the meantime Catie continues to sit vigil with us.  She has been a rock (actually I rather refer to strong women as "Steel Magnolias").  Her support and love have been gifts to all of us.

I know I have shared random acts of kindness with everyone and they continue to happen on a daily basis.  Today I want to give credit to the intended acts of kindness that continue to be shown to Warren and our entire family.  I just don't know how to put into words... actually, I am not sure there are the appropriate words to describe our level of appreciation for everything that is being done on our behalf.  I can only hope that each of you feel the love we are sending in return for all the support you are sending to us.  Acts of kindness, whether random or intentional change lives for the better and we thank you.

We hope you have had as wonderful a day as we have had.

The Clearys


At August 8, 2011 at 6:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only words that seem to fit this situation are quoted to me by my Daddy nearly every day of my life. "God is good ... All the time...... and All the time ... God is good!" May the Lord continue to minister to each and every one who has been affected by this tremendous situation. May you all continue to see Him in the midst of the struggle. May your faith continue to grow and the love you feel become stronger.

At August 9, 2011 at 1:12 AM , Blogger Patti Parrish said...

Hooray for Warren!

Sometimes we are so amazed (and rightfully so) by the power of prayer and positive thinking that we forget the remarkable power of the human body.

Over the past five years, I have done a great deal of work for one of Seattle's biggest hospitals and had the opportunity to work with dozens of doctors and patients. I will forever remember the words of one young patient, who made a rather unlikely – and complete – recovery.

She said, very simply: Your body is its own miracle. It will heal.

Miraculously, it does.

Blessings to you all.


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