Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 2 @ Shepherd

I am writing to you all from the quiet of Warren's room. This previous sentence has been an oxymoron until about thirty minutes ago, (which is attributed to the dedication and thoroughness of this wonderful staff at Shepherd) and now Warren is finally getting a good uninterrupted nap in. It was a smooth transition from Longmont to Atlanta, and once again we have found ourselves in another fabulous facility. Warren remains in the assessment phase at this point, and is still rather exhausted from the events of the last 12 days.

Since Warren and my dad's arrival yesterday afternoon, we have felt the love of the Shepherd Center. We have been greeted by so many wonderful staff members and welcomed into this facility with open arms. This morning we were able to meet both James Shepherd as well as Julie Shepherd White who both offered many words of encouraging support to Warren, as James understands first-hand what Warren is going through:

Once again, we would like to thank you all for your support and prayers. We are so happy to be back in Atlanta for the long road ahead. We are not ready for any visitors at this point, however, I promise to keep you updated as to when Warren is ready and what days & times are best.



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