Warren Update 8/6/2011
Today things are quiet while Warren tries to get through the pain of post-op. It's a balancing act of medications and procedures but with each passing hour there seems to be a bit more rest. In the meantime I would like to share with you a story that was sent to him. Some of you may have seen it but it bares worth repeating. It really does give a glimpse into how he sees the world. I remember that morning now that I have been reminded and it makes me smile to remember the spirit of that little boy with such zest for life....the same little boy that lies in front of me this morning. love, Henley
Dear Warren –
I have not seen you in many years and you have no reason to remember me. But I remember you vividly, especially because of a seemingly insignificant episode that took place a long time ago.
You were living in Michigan, and I was at your home early one weekday morning, enjoying the hustle-bustle of a busy mom and dad trying to get three children out the door and off to school. Ashley had been ready for hours (and had already completed her homework for the rest of the year), Erin was right on schedule, but where, oh where was Warren?
Your mom called your name. No response. She called again. Silence. She climbed upstairs, opened the door to your room, and there you were, happily perched on the bed, gazing out your window at the great outdoors that lay beyond.
In a rather urgent tone, your doting mother inquired as to why you were looking out the window when you needed to leave for school in two minutes. You turned to her and replied, with a genuine sense of wonder, “Mom, isn’t this a great day?”
The truth is, it really wasn’t a great day. In fact, it was cold and gray and dismal. But I remember thinking, “Wow. What a spirit! Anyone with the enthusiasm to think that THIS is a great day has a lifetime of great days ahead.”
Warren, those great days will come again. And I have no doubt they’ll be here before anyone ever imagined. Anyone, of course, but you.
I believe in the "Warren Factor"! Keep it up, Warren. From a "graduate" of the Shepherd Center, and then Pathways, I can tell you to just keep taking it one day at a time. Lots and lots of us praying for you, for your family and for those helping you with rehab.
Never stop pushing - but don't be in too big of a hurry. Shepherd will get you there!
Dave Eckstein
(And all of your friends at NSUMC!!)
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