"Friends of Warren" Update: ONLINE DONATIONS
WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING ONLINE DONATIONS ON OUR WEBSITE: http://web.me.com/lesleyhh/friendsofwarren/Donate.html
1. Once you are on the donation page of the website, click the "Donate" button, which will link you to Paypal. When you login into Paypal there is a "Send Money" tab at the top. Just click on that and follow the prompts. Paypal will ask for the email address for who you want to send money to. Please use friendsofwarren@gmail.com Paypal is very easy and very secure.
If you would rather not use Paypal you can send a check (checks are payable to Friends of Warren) to:
Friends of Warren
2090 Dunwoody Club Drive
Suite 106-15
Atlanta, GA 30350
2. We also have our bank account established that donations can be made to as well. The account is with Signature Bank of Georgia. They have branches in several locations, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs and Forsyth. The branch we are using is located in Dunwoody. The address is:
Signature Bank
1449 Dunwoody Village Parkway (this is off Mount Vernon)
Dunwoody, GA 30338
3. Cocktail Party & Silent Auction. The date is set for September 24, 2011. Time and location will follow in an evite. We know many of you are from out of town and will not be able to attend but you would still like to help. If you have anything that can be donated to the auction please let Lesley Hollenbeck know at friendsofwarren@gmail.com. She has already heard from several people and is very excited with the responses she has received.
4. Friends of Warren Bracelets: We have ordered and have received bracelets that we want everyone to wear in a show of love and support for Warren. We are selling the bracelets for $5.00 each. They are blue and white with Warren's name on them. You can view a picture of the bracelet at http://web.me.com/lesleyhh/ friendsofwarren/ If you would like a bracelet please send $5.00 per bracelet with a self addressed stamped envelope (for us to send the bracelets to you) to:
Friends of Warren
2090 Dunwoody Club Drive
Suite 106-15
Atlanta, GA 30350
A BIG thank you to Carter and Sean for donating the bracelets!!
5. Don't forget to like us on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/pages/Friends-of-Warren/ 201689426556640?ref=ts
Thank you to everyone for all that has been done thus far! It is amazing how much has been accomplished in such a short period of time, and I am so excited to see how far we can go.
All my love,
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