Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warren Update 8/4/2011

Good morning.  As a dear friend texted us yesterday:  “It is a new day for miracles!”  The first thing Warren said to me when he woke up yesterday was “Mom, I will not be paralyzed.”  Well, there you have it folks.  The “Warren Factor” is firmly in place!  
Yesterday Warren began moving his legs - sort of a wiggle back and forth.  The difference is that it was not from his hips as much as the legs, themselves.  He also continues to regain sensation in different parts of his legs as the swelling goes down.
This morning he had his first p/t session.  It went very well.  They were able to sit him up in the bed, put his legs over the side of the bed, then they actually lifted him up on his legs.  The whole experience really took it out of him but he is ready for more, when ever they bring it on.  He said that what he learned from the session is that he has a very long road ahead of him but he is ready to take it on.
Warren will have his second surgery tomorrow afternoon around 2 pm.  By comparison this will be very minor.  They will finish “tweaking” the hardware supporting his spine.  Hopefully, after that the chest tube will be removed and we will be another step further down the path.
More good news.  Warren has been accepted at the Shepherd Spinal Center in Atlanta for rehab!  Thanks to everyone who has made this happen for him so quickly.  You know who you are and you are in our prayers of thanks.  Our hope is to be there by the end of next week.  Shepherd is coordinating a medical flight for him for whenever he is ready to head home.
The good news just keeps coming!  We don’t have a lot of details at this point but there is a “Friends of Warren” committee made up of neighbors and friends that is organizing all kinds of wonderful things.  We are completely blown away by the work and effort that is being put into what they are doing.  I am sure that all of you are smarter than we are at this point in time and can dig around and find out more information.  We just want to take a moment and say thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, again, for every message, in every form.  We are reading and listening to every single one.  We can not answer them all individually because we have been blessed with so many.  You just must know, please, that we are feeling every thought, every expression and every prayer and we thank you for every single one.
Random acts of kindness continued:  Instead of sharing a new act I want to tell you of the continuation of one..... Remember John at Einstein’s Bagel who paid for our coffee?  Well, our friend, Brooke, in Atlanta did some sleuthing and figured out the Einstein’s location.  Jerry and I went in for our coffee this morning.  Sonia Perez, at Einstein’s, said she had been waiting for us and she comes from the back with a gift card.  To say we were touched is an understatement. This would have been more than enough.  However, apparently when Sonia was told the reason for the gift card she got to work, herself.  She told her father, Sonny, who happens to be a pastor and is associated with over 1000 churches throughout the US.  Now Warren is on the prayer lists of every one of those churches!!  We just never know what one simple act can grow into...  a free cup of a coffee.... a phone call to order a gift card... and lives are forever changed for the better. 
Henley & Jerry


At August 4, 2011 at 1:41 PM , Blogger Skykat108 said...

I remember when Warren first started jumping on a regular basis. He was working at Des's house to earn jump money and he said, "I'm going to compete Kat, I'm going to be on the world swooping tour like Marat. Warren can accomplish anything he puts his mind to. I've seen it many times.

At August 4, 2011 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was such a pleasure to meet the two of you today and play even a small part in blessing you. You are blessed to know that God loves you! Even though the current situation is difficult, please do not stop recognizing how God is getting you through. He is good .... ALL the time!!!

"Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" ... so said Peter in Acts 3:6 ..... it really seems meant for you today.

May God be with you through this journey and beyond.

With love in Christ,
Sonia Perez

At August 4, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Blogger RobScott said...

It was great seeing you today Warren. I'll be back on Saturday and good luck with the surgery tomorrow!

At August 4, 2011 at 10:12 PM , Blogger Patti Parrish said...

Dear Warren –

I have not seen you in many years and you have no reason to remember me. But I remember you vividly, especially because of a seemingly insignificant episode that took place a long time ago.

You were living in Michigan, and I was at your home early one weekday morning, enjoying the hustle-bustle of a busy mom and dad trying to get three children out the door and off to school. Ashley had been ready for hours (and had already completed her homework for the rest of the year), Erin was right on schedule, but where, oh where was Warren?

Your mom called your name. No response. She called again. Silence. She climbed upstairs, opened the door to your room, and there you were, happily perched on the bed, gazing out your window at the great outdoors that lay beyond.

In a rather urgent tone, your doting mother inquired as to why you were looking out the window when you needed to leave for school in two minutes. You turned to her and replied, with a genuine sense of wonder, “Mom, isn’t this a great day?”

The truth is, it really wasn’t a great day. In fact, it was cold and gray and dismal. But I remember thinking, “Wow. What a spirit! Anyone with the enthusiasm to think that THIS is a great day has a lifetime of great days ahead.”

Warren, those great days will come again. And I have no doubt they’ll be here before anyone ever imagined. Anyone, of course, but you.

All my prayers and very best, positive healthy thoughts to you and your family.

Patti Parrish

At August 8, 2011 at 10:12 AM , Blogger Steinomite said...

I sent Erin a facebook message but wanted to also let your family know via this blog that my mother, Gale Eckstein, works at Shepherd. She's the Family & Support Services Coordinator, and will be assigned to your family upon your arrival to help with providing you information on the facility and setting up your housing if neccessary. Hopefully it will help to have a somewhat familiar face at the hospital! Please call on us if and when you need help in the Atlanta area...we sure are praying hard for the Cleary family!

Kelly Eckstein


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