Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update 8/17/2011

I've been slacking!  If the truth be known we have been adjusting to our new location and new schedules.  I apologize for not keeping up on a daily basis.

Warren began his full therapy regimen on Monday.  There is physical, occupational and therapeutic which keep him busy from about 9-4 every day.  Phew!  This afternoon Jerry, Warren and I will participate in the Push Pass training so we can take him off the campus to local places.  I think the group will be hitting a nearby Chik Filet for our outing.  It will be great to get him outside for a while and part of the world beyond these windows.

Every day we see more progress and promise.  We are learning a great deal about the side effects of paralysis and the goals of rehabilitation.  Shepherd does an outstanding job of educating everyone involved.

Warren has had a few visitors come by this week and he is handling the long days much better than we expected.  I think the social outlet is good medicine.  So, if you are interested in checking out Shepherd and what Warren is up to send a quick email to see what will work.

We continue to be so very thankful for everyone in our lives.  We hope all of you have a great day because we are!

Henley, Jerry and Warren


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